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From the


S Serve Blog January 17
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Life lessons serving in a dangerous place

Suddenly the rumors became a reality. War had been declared and turmoil started. I just could not bear the thought of leaving 42 children with the risk that their caregivers would run for their own lives, so I knew that God was calling me to stay.

A Advance Magazine November 14
Winter advance thumbnail

Winter 2024

In the pages ahead, read about the triumph of God’s works as He used BMM missionaries all over the world. Be glad in these triumphs, knowing that your prayers, gifts, and encouragement made them possible.

StoriesJan. 31
WR Ukraine 102

World Relief: Updates

Learn about World Relief efforts in Ukraine, hurricane-affected areas, and other areas of the world. Your gifts are needed as much as ever to help our missionaries and trusted contacts deliver relief to the hurting people around the world.

StoriesJan. 21
Rhema Bible readers 2024 TN

Distracted by the Bible

Have you ever seen people not paying attention at church? A Bibles International missionary saw this recently, but the reason gave her a big smile.

StoriesNov. 13
The Reward Unseen TN

The Reward Unseen

Read the remarkable story of BMM founder William Haas in the new book, the Reward Unseen. Available in print and e-book formats.

StoriesNov. 7
Mark and Katherine TN

"Will you teach us the Bible?"

In a Creative Access Nation, God used a dengue fever outbreak to lead a missionary to a couple who had been searching for truth.

Global Impact.

God has a remarkable way of transforming temporal resources into eternal treasure. The bottom line—a gift to missions changes lives. Discover the many ways you can invest in lives through Baptist Mid-Missions, including our Global Impact Fund.

The Baptist Mid-Missions Family exists to strategically advance the building of Christ’s church, with His passion and for His glory, in vital partnership with Baptist churches worldwide.

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