World Relief: Updates

Updated May 13, 2024

Our God has a tender heart for the hurting people of this world. World Relief equips BMM missionaries and our trusted contacts to deliver gospel-focused relief to those in need. Read updates about our ongoing efforts around the world, especially in southern Brazil and in the still-needy country of Ukraine. 

With so many current needs, your gifts are greatly appreciated by us and especially by those being helped. 

South Brazil

Beginning in late April, unprecedented storms, landslides, and floods have forced more than half a million people from their homes in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The disaster has caused the deaths of roughly 150 people. Although BMM has no missionaries in this state, World Relief funds are being distributed to affected people through trusted national partners in southern Brazil. 

Most of those devastated by the flooding have no insurance and will need ongoing care to help them recover. Please consider a generous gift to World Relief for this need. 

WR Brazil PB
Two dogs stranded in the flood water in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil


Our trusted contacts in Ukraine continue to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to battle-weary Ukrainians. These Christian contacts have been greatly helped through the sacrificial assistance of BMM Slovakia missionaries Don and LeAnne Waite. The Waites couldn't carry out this assistance without the help of generous donors to World Relief. Read about the Waites' March trip into Ukraine: 

On March 3, 2024, Don and LeAnne made the long journey from Slovakia into Ukraine for a three-day relief trip. This time the Waites purchased supplies inside Ukraine, buying the maximum daily amounts allowable (because of shortages). Their first stop was the home of Leonid and Natasha, a Ukrainian couple who have hosted more than 200 internally displaced Ukrainians since the war began. This couple gratefully accepted the relief aid and shared with Don and LeAnne about Natasha's biweekly Bible study with the displaced women. Leonid meets several times weekly with the men, and each Sunday about 25 displaced persons come for lunch and a Bible study in Leonid and Natasha's tiny apartment. It was a joy for Don and LeAnne to see photos of the many who have been saved and baptized and are now bringing others into the group. 

Early in the war, Leonid and Natasha had been nearly ready to give up the ministry because of its difficulty, but the Waites' partnership has sustained them physically and emotionally in the stress of war-time ministry. Last summer, 16 people were saved and baptized through the studies that Leonid and Natasha hold. World Relief gifts have enabled this family to see amazing spiritual victories. 

The next day, Don and LeAnne purchased more supplies with another trusted Christian couple in Ukraine, Vova and Laura. Vova has had a very fruitful ministry to those directly affected by the war, a ministry greatly expanded through World Relief gifts. Shortly after the Waites' visit, Vova reported that several men received Christ as their Savior.

It was a sobering moment on the Waites' final day when they stopped at a cemetery and walked through two sections holding several hundred men who died in the war, including three buried the day before. They stood in front of the graves of three other men from Vova and Laura's church, including the pastor's nephew, a 19-year-old who had ministered with Vova, and a young father of two-year-old twins. 

Although attention on the war in Ukraine has diminished, the needs and gospel opportunities are just as great as ever. Please consider giving toward this ministry. Your gifts will truly have an eternal impact. 

Creative Access Nation

In an Asian Creative Access Nation, a wearying civil war has stretched on for several years, forcing many ethnic minorities—most of whom are Christians—to flee to the jungles and mountains for safety. Prior to the conflict, BMM missionaries had worked incountry to translate the Bible and teach literacy in partnership with nationals.

In the absence of missionaries on the ground, national pastors and church planters have been serving as our trusted contacts to provide relief aid to their internally displaced countrymen. Through generous donations, World Relief has provided food, cottages for shelter, and medicine to believers and unbelievers alike. Some of the recipients were blind people who had no way of acquiring food. Like the other recipients, they received sacks of food, cooking oil, blankets, mosquito nets, and tarps. Along with physical relief, our national partners distributed 450 Bibles, 1200 New Testaments, and 1200 Gospels of John and other Christian books.

In one district, the war turned more than 40 villages into battlefields. Our national contacts had previously planted six churches among these villages. When aid was distributed, the unbelieving villagers became interested in knowing about God and salvation. In the last two years, six national missionaries have conducted evangelistic crusades and carried out more than 20 Bible teaching campaigns for the villagers. 

Praise the Lord that so far 98 people have accepted Christ and been baptized. Among believers, the relief made them feel that God remembered and cared for them. These Christians became like missionaries to those around them, sharing God’s goodness even in the jungles.


In May, tribal violence targeting Christians has torn into a region of India with historic BMM connections. Nearly 30 villages and 25 churches were burned down, leaving the Christians unprotected and living in fear. 

The Christians of India urgently ask for prayer for peace between the two tribes and that God will comfort families affected. Through World Relief funds, the Christians of India are providing for these needs. A hospital started by BMM missionaries nearly 100 years ago has been equipped to hold free medical health clinics for 150 refugees and poor and needy people in their community. 

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Can you help?

God never brings suffering without a desire to lead people to salvation or to cause His believers to grow. He is using our missionary teams in these pivotal locations to be a living testimony of His compassion to hurting people. Your gift to World Relief equips them to bring God’s light into their darkness.

Give to World Relief through our Projects page (choose #4).

To give by mail, make checks out to Baptist Mid-Missions Foundation with “World Relief” in the memo line. Mail to:

Baptist Mid-Missions

PO Box 308011

Cleveland, OH 44130-8011

To give by credit card over the phone,
call 440-826-3930

Count on us

Our goal is to be ready to bring relief both to Christians and to unsaved people that the Lord wants to touch with the gospel. We honor your contributions by using them to the fullest extent to help those for whom they are given, and for accountability our missionaries send us detailed reports of their use of World Relief funds.

Please keep our missionaries in prayer for wisdom and endurance in their efforts. They want to effectively provide for and comfort the hurting, even while balancing existing ministries in their already-busy schedules.

Thank you for helping us help others in the name of Christ.

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